Enter The Dragon

May is Asian/Pacific Islanders Heritage month. So, to kick that off, I watched Enter the Dragon with my family today. It is a good example of an early 1970s action movie, and it launched a wave of martial arts movies and even had some connection to the blaxploitation movies that came later. In additon, Lalo Schifrin's score is quite good. The movie has even inspired people to write scholarly articles about its connection to Hong Kong and colonization.


  1. Speaking of, I highly recommend the recent biography, Bruce Lee: A Life, by Matthew Polly. Strangely enough, this book published in 2018 was actually the first full length biography of Lee. I picked it up while I was in Hong Kong.

    Just as an aside, while in Hong Kong I found two of the nicest bookstores I've ever been to.

  2. I saw Polly's book at the public library last year. And it is on my list, but I don't know when the library will reopen.

    As far as Hong Kong, take a look at the credit sequence from the movie and compare it to how Hong Kong looks now. I am willing to be it is much different in terms of architecture and commerce (at least pre-coronavirus).


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