Hanging a Tomato Plant

Here is the finished product. Allow me to show the process step-by-step. Click on the pictures to enlarge if you want.
This is the package that came in the mail. It includes two cloth bags, two hooks, and a set of simple instructions.
Here's the tomato I bought from the grocery store. It is identified as San Marzano.
I cut a hole in a paper bag and put the bag over the plant after I took it out of the plastic pot. The paper bag is to reduce soil that might drip out of the bag's zipper opening when I water it.

I inserted the plant upside-down from the top of the bag. There is a zipper opening at the bottom to thread the leaves through.
I added some of my own compost as fertilizer and some potting soil.

I watered the plant.
Here's the finished product with a twelve inch ruler for scale. I decided to hang the bag over a fence rail rather than drill a hole and put in a hook. I do not think I will have any problem with this method.


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