Quote of the Day

From American Harvest: God Country and Farming in the Hearland by Marie Matsuki Mockett:

"You think," said my cousin in his summarizing voice, "that the Christians don't mind playing with genetic material, even though they believe God created everything and some of them don't like stem cells, and your atheist friends like the idea of food in which the genetic material hasn't been modified, even though they don't believe in God, and even though all food has been modified."

"Right," I said. "so if we don't believe in God, and we think everything can be explained by evolution and genes, why does it matter if we alter the DNA?"


They were all quiet. It was a good question. It was based on some assumptions, but it was an intriguing question. Finally, my uncle patted me on the shoulder. "You'll spend a long time with this one."


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