The First Tomatoes Are in the Ground

Yesterday I put the first four tomato plants in the ground. It is important that the night time temperature be above 55 or 60 degrees fahrenheit or they will not grow until it is that warm at night. These plants say they are cherry tomatoes on the tag.

I have some more that I hope to plant outside early next week in some upside down tomato planters. I will drill a hole in the fence I share with my neighbors and hang them there. I think they will not find seeing the tomatoes. The plants start growing up in order to chase the sun, based on what happened when I tried this a few years ago. I have to wait until next week to plant these plants in the planter
In the meantime, I also have my tomato seedlings growing indoors. I read that it is important to wait until the plants are at least six inches tall (including the root) before transplanting them outside. So, I have got some time to wait for the seedlings to be big enough.


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