Junk Journal Week Nine

Hugh Howey’s Wool has now been turned into a streaming show on Apple TV Plus called Silo. It is a dystopian tale of the future set in a claustrophobic world. The TV show is also good.

Batman and Robin and Howard is a comic book written for kids about the challenges Robin has attending a new public middle school after years at an elite public school. His single dad, Batman, works a lot and Robin has challenges fitting in and making friends. Lighthearted and enjoyable.

How Can I Help You is a serial killer murder mystery set in a medium sized public library. I think I most enjoyed the insight into the day to day struggles and joys of library work.

The UnAmericans is the a collection of short stories about Jewish people in several different places. It is definitely literary fiction and not for people looking for happy endings. If you enjoy well crafted stories with well written sentences I commend the book.

I read most of Translation State on the bus to and from Manhattan which is why I included a primitive Christian icon on the page since I spent the day viewing and thinking about Hellenistic images in an Orthodox Church and at the Met. This book is a science fiction story about a missing translator. The story is very much focused on aliens who are quite different than humans and issues of identity, belonging, and gender are definitely foregrounded.


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