Prompt: Unexpected
Title: Surrealist Joke on a Bed of Blue Circles.
Materials: laser printer and ball point pen with a crumpled paper towel.
Prompt: Unexpected
Jokes often work because they have an unexpected ending. However, if the punch line is too far beyond the listener's expectations, then it does not seem funny. I don't get it.
When I was in sixth grade in 1978/1979 in Northville, Michigan, some of us started filling notebook paper with small circles using a Bic pen.
Today's post is part of the Index-Card-a-Day 2023 challenge. Karen Rocha was the person who suggested I join this challenge. So, thank-you, Karen! Note: I thought we were on prompt 22, unexpected because today is 22 June. It turns out the prompt for the day is Xylophone. It seems I showed more creativity than expected. Tomorrow's prompt (day 19) is violet; I promise to get with the program tomorrow.
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