Prompt: Enchanted Forest
Title: Oak Leaf Behind a Spotted Mushroom
Materials: sharpie pen, prisma color markers, and colored pencils
Prompt: Enchanted Forest
I spent some time thinking about this one. I feel like I am a little better on day 2 of participating in the Index-Card-a-Day 2023 Challenge than I was yesterday. However, there is still a large gap between the vision in my mind and what I am able to put on a card. In particular, I would like to start improving my backgrounds. I ordered a few markers to supplement the ageing art supplies I found around the house which might help.
I picked up a white oak leaf from the ground in the yard this morning and traced the outline to start the beginning of the idea. I walked around the oak forest this morning for almost an hour hoping inspiration would be in front of me. Despite the rain, I saw no mushrooms. It took me ten minutes, working with a tree identification book to be sure this was a white oak.
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