Second Dad Summer


I do like to change things around from time to time. In this case, I enjoyed reading Second Dad Summer written by Benjamin Klas and illustrated by Fian Arroyo. This is a middle grade novel about Jeremiah who is spending the summer with his dad. Jeremiah's dad is now dating a gay man named Michael, a man that Jeremiah finds embarrassing. I think the drawing of Michael at the Twin Cities pride parade with his unicorn bicycle is shown below.


As the story advances Jeremiah meets and makes friends with Sage, a girl with two lesbian mothers. Jeremiah also meets his father's rather nasty neighbor who turns out to also be gay.

As the story progresses, the dad's embarassing boyfriend eventually reveals his backstory with some real horror and pathos.

As can be expected in a children's novel, there is a happy ending. Overall, I enjoyed this gay love story about embarrassing parents and I really enjoyed Arroyo's drawings. I recommend this book.


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