Junk Journal Week 7

I wrote earlier with my thoughts about this week’s reading. As far as the two movies I saw, let me say a few words.

Red Hook Summer is, in a lot of ways, a movie about what Francois Truffaut called the joy of filmmaking. It tells the story of a 12 year old boy from Atlanta who spends the summer with his deeply religious grandfather in a Brooklyn public housing project. The picture is delightful, except it kind of falls apart in the third act.

The Apprentice tells the story of what Roy Cohn taught a young Donald Trump. Overall, the picture is worth your time; the acting of the three main characters is very good. But, at least in my opinion, the story has too many details and too many characters — I did not see the point of including Tony Salerno, Roger Stone, Andy Warhol, Abe Beam, and so many other characters who barely had two lines.

My cat picture was inspired by LeUyen Pham’s art in the picture book she published with Deborah Underwood, The Man Who Didn’t Like Animals. I do not read picture books very often, but I do find them great sources of inspiration for art projects.


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