Susan Glasser's Letter from Trump's Washington

Susan Glasser has a great article worth reading in today's New Yorker online titled, "Trump Hates Losers, So Why Is He Refighting the Civil War—on the Losing Side?" Here is my favorite paragraph:

I know it is hard to remember all the crazy things that happen in the course of a week in Trump’s America, but I will try hard to remember this one: a week when I saw troops in the streets and worried about a years-long economic crisis; a week when an untamed pandemic killed up to a thousand Americans a day; a week when massive nationwide protests suggested that our dysfunctional, gridlocked political system might finally actually do something about the plague of police brutality and systemic racism. And then there was the President, who chose to spend the week refighting the Civil War—on the losing side. This, too, I will remember, and so, dear reader, should you.

The whole article is worth your time.


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