When Will We Get To Go Back to the Public Library?

Above is a picture of the entrance of my local public library -- before it closed on March 17.

Amy Shearn has an essay on the topic:

Recently, my children and I walked by our shuttered library and my nine-year-old son said, as if recounting a dream, “Remember… libraries? Doesn’t it seem crazy that you could just go in whenever you wanted? And there would be lots of other people there? And then you could pick whichever books you wanted and take them home for free?!”

It suddenly seemed like a thing that couldn’t possibly be real.

I’ve always loved libraries (heck, I wrote , which is obviously my secret fantasy job) but it took my kid’s observation to make me realize that I miss libraries so, so much.

Read the rest of her article here. Hat tip to Lithub for the link.


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