Junk Journal Week One

I have been writing down my my books and my reading, off and on, since at least 1990. About five years ago, I bought a dedicated notebook where I write down the books I read and the books I bought; I also keep a cloud based document. This journal was partly inspired by Nick Hornby's column in the Believer that has been running more or less continuously since 2003. The first ten years of that column has been collected in the book Ten Years in the Tub --highly recommended!

About my first junk journal entry. This entry is a collage made with bookmarks and a gelliprint. The background for the book lists is an index card with coffee stains.

The books:

The first two are middle grade science fiction adventure books set on Mars. The Burgess title, as can be expected, stands for mother f*ck*r and incest is an important part of the plot. I am glad I read the book, but, at least in my opinion, Burgess' best books are Earthly Powers and the Enderby books. He is a great writer if you want to expand your vocabulary.

Junk journal week two coming soon.


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