Today's Media

15 January 2024 (MLK day)

Footprints in the Jungle (short story) by W. Somerset Maugham. (kindle and Audible audiobook). 

Elevator to the Gallows. Directed by Louis Malle. 1958. France. Via the Criterion Channel app.

Doom Patrol (season 1). Via the Max app.

The Book of Goose by Yiyun Li

A section I liked:

What do you want to see? What do you want to eat? What do you want to know? These questions, seemingly innocuous, are more unreasonable than people realize. If you asked a cow, or a pig, or a chicken what it wanted to do with its life, it would have no idea how to answer, even if by some miracle it could understand and speak our language. If you asked a cow, or a pig, or a chicken how it would like to die, it would not fare any better (p. 92).


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