Another Fine Week for the Trump Administration


As the RNC convention officially begins today, I believe it is important to take a look a broader look at what things look like in politics. Peter Baker, in yesterday's Times, does that. Here is the start of his article:

When President Trump’s strategists mapped out their plans for the critical week leading to the Republican National Convention that would nominate him for a second term, the schedule somehow did not include a sensational arrest on a Chinese billionaire’s yacht.

The last thing the president wanted to see as he kick-starts his campaign was the architect of his last campaign hauled away in handcuffs on charges of bilking his own supporters in a build-the-wall fund-raising scam. Yet there was Stephen K. Bannon, the mastermind of the 2016 election, with his hair now long and scraggly and his face weathered, marched into court and called a crook.

That was only part of the president’s tough week or so. ...

The whole article is worth reading.


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