Joined a New Group


Joined a Finnegan's Wake discussion group for the first time Saturday. I've been thinking about the metrical aspects of the prose since then. I listened to a podcast called The Cosmic Library where this was the topic of one discussion. 

Two quotes: 

  1. Joshua Cohen: reading Finnegan's Wake teaches me the tempo of prose as divorced from its duties in the story. If we can rid ourselves of the expectation of prose to be the bearer of information and allow it to be the bearer of sound. That's sort of the first step toward being in the book ... Where the reader can feel confident. 
  2. Joseph Nugent: By the end of his life, Joyce had come to believe that language itself could be valued as independent of its actual connection to reality. Particular words, strung in a particular sequence had the ability to affect the emotions totally independent of what their signified was.


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