Recent Reading: The Human Stain

I am currently reading Philip Roth's The Human Stain. Today I came across this passage which, as a fan of art movies, I appreciated:

[She was] amused by the undergraduates [at Yale]. Where's their intellectual side? Completely shocked by their having fun. Their chaotic, nonideological way of thinking -- of living! They've never even seen a Kurosawa film -- they don't know that much. By the time she was their age, she'd seen all the Kurosawas, all the Tarkovskys, all the Fellinis, all the Antonionis, all the Fassbinders, all the Wertmullers, all the Satyjit Rays, all the Rene Clairs, all the Wim Wenders, all the Truffauts, the Godards, the Chabrols, the Resnaises, the Rohmers, the Renoirs, and all these kids have seen is Star Wars.


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