Stuff I've Been Watching: February 2021 (Black History Month)


Standing in the Shadows of Motown. 2002. Purchased and watched via the amazon app. With Monika. 2 February.


All Creatures Great and Small. Season 1. 2021. Via the PBS app. 4 February.


Ghost Dog: The way of the samurai. Directed by Jim Jarmusch. 1999. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. 5 February.


Bamboozled. Directed by Spike Lee. 2000. Via the Criterion Channel app. 6 February.


Cool Runnings. Directed by Jon Turteltaub. 1993. United States. Via the Disney+ app. 7 February.


One False Move. Directed by Carl Franklin. 1992. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. 11 February.


Pose. Season 1. 2019. Via the Netflix app. 14 February.


Nomadland. Directed by Chloe Zhao. 2020. Via the Hulu app. With Monika and Marta. 20 February.

Pose. Season 2. 2020. Via the Netflix app. 25 February.


Mr SOUL! 2021. Independent Lens. Via the PBS app. With Monika. 26 February. Outstanding!


Unforgivable Blackness: The rise and fall of Jack Johnson. Directed by Ken Burns. 2004. Via the PBS app. 28 February.


Paris Is Burning. 1990. Directed by Jennie Livingston. 1990. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. 28 February. This is the movie that Pose is based on. Down to individual plot points, at times. Much has been written about this movie, despite the fact that it was a low budget picture that was difficult to see for many years. Here is an article about the music, here is an article from the times from 1993 and here is a more recent Vanity Fair article.


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