Stuff I Watched February 2023

Movies and Television Watched February 2023

  1. All Creatures Great and Small. Season 3. 2023. Via the PBS app. With Monika. 4 February.
  2. Triangle of Sadness. Directed by Ruben Ostlund. 2022. Sweden. Purchased from iTunes. 4 February.
  3. Chameleon Street. Directed by Wendell B. Harris. 1989. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. 5 February.
  4. Killing It. Season 1. 2022. Via the Peacock app. 8 February.
  5. Sambizanga. Directed by Sarah Maldoror. 1972. Angola. Via the Criterion Channel app. 9 February.
  6. Don't Go Tellin’ Your Mama. Directed by Topaz Jones and Rubber Band. 2021. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. 10 February.
  7. Star Trek: Discovery. Season 1. 2018. Via the Paramount Plus app. 12 February.
  8. Revanche. Directed by Gotz Spielmann. 2008. Austria. Via the Criterion Channel app. 12 February.
  9. Iron Man. Directed by Jon Favreau. 2008. United States. Via the Disney Plus app. 14 February.
  10. Following. Directed by Christopher Nolan. 1999. United Kingdom. Via the Criterion Channel app. 16 February.
  11. The American Sector. Directed by Courtney Stephens and Pacho Velez. 2020. United States. Via the Criterion Channel app. With Monika. 18 February.
  12. The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey. 2022. Via the Apple TV Plus app. 19 February.
  13. Small Axe: Mangrove. Directed by Steve McQueen. 2020. United Kingdom. Via the Amazon Prime app. 19 February.
  14. Small Axe: Lovers Rock. Directed by Steve McQueen. 2020. United Kingdom. Via the Amazon Prime app. 20 February.
  15. Fight the Power: How hip hop changed the world. 2022. Via the PBS app. 22 February.
  16. Everlasting Moments. Directed by Jan Troell. 2008. Sweden. Via the Criterion Channel app. 24 February.
  17. The Fabelmans. Directed by Steven Spielberg. 2022. United States. Via blu-ray from the library. With Monika. 25 February.
  18. Captain America: The first avenger. Directed by Joe Johnston. 2011. United States. Via the Disney Plus app. 25 February.
  19. Chunking Express. Directed by Wong Kar Wai. 1994. Hong Kong. Via the Criterion Channel app. 26 February.


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