Books Bought, Books Read August 2022


Books Purchased August 2022
The Iremonger Trilogy by Edward Carey. (kindle). 4 August.
The Copenhagen Trilogy by Tove Ditlevsen. (Audible audiobook). 13 August.
The Family Chao by Lan Samantha Chang. (Audible audiobook). 29 August.

Books Read August 2022

Night Film by Marisha Pessl. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 850 pgs. 850 running pgs. 1 August. First line:
Everyone has a Cordova story, whether they like it or not.

Thank You for Your Servitude: Donald Trump’s Washington and the price of submission by Mark Leibovich. (kindle). 352 pgs.1202 running pgs. 3 August. First line:
The view from the Trump International Hotel was bleak by the end.

Heap House by Edward Carey. (kindle). 415 pgs. 1617 running pgs. 5 August. First line:
It all really began, all the terrible business that followed, on the day my Aunt Rosamud's door handle went missing.

The Magician by Colm Toibin. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 504 pgs. 2121 running pgs. 9 August. First line:
His mother waited upstairs while the servants took coats and scarves from the guests.

The Friend by Sigrid Nunez. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 224 pgs. 2345 running pgs. 10 August. First line:
During the 1980s, in California, a large number of Cambodian women went to their doctors with the same complaint: they could not see.

Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 448 pgs. 2793 running pgs. 11 August. First line:
I dreamed about a boy with springs for feet so he could jump high.

Red Paint: The ancestral autobiography of a coast Salish punk by Sasha taqwsablu LaPointe. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 225 pgs. 3018 running pgs. 13 August. First line:
We were a hunter-gatherer society.

The Copenhagen Trilogy by Tove Ditlevsen. (kindle and Audible audiobook). 371 pgs. 3389 running pgs. 17 August. First line:
Everything in the living room is green -- the carpet, the walls, the curtains -- and I am always inside it, like in a picture.

Lion Country by Frederick Buechner. (kindle). 242 pgs. 3631 running pgs. 20 August. First line:
Halfway down the subway stairs, he turned.

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 368 pgs. 3999 running pgs. 21 August. First Line:
Lyra and her daemon moved through the darkening hall, taking care to keep to one side, out of sight of the kitchen.

Department of Mind-blowing Theories by Tom Gauld. (Comixology ebook). 162 pgs. 4161 running pgs. 26 August.

The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 304 pgs. 4465 running pgs. 26 August. First line:
Will tugged at his mother's hand and said, "Come on, come on ..."

Mercury Pictures Presents by Anthony Marra. (library hardcover). 416 pgs. 4881 running pgs. 27 August. First line:
When you entered the executive offices of Mercury Pictures International, you would first see a scale model of the studio itself. 

Oval by Elvia Wilk. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 304 pgs. 5185 running pgs. 28 August. First Line:
After death, bureaucracy takes the wheel.

Bark by Lorrie Moore. (kindle and Libby audiobook). 208 pgs. 5395 running pgs. 29 August. First Line:
Ira had been divorced six months and still couldn't get his wedding ring off.

The Family Chao by Lan Samantha Chang. (kindle and Audible audiobook). 346 pgs. 5739 running pgs. 31 August. First line:
For thirty-five years, everyone supported Leo Chao's restaurant.


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