Quote of the Day from Daniel Pinkwater

I enjoyed this line from The Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization by Daniel Pinkwater:

After breakfast, my father and Colonel Ken Krenwinkle went to the club car to play cards with the four Marsh Brothers, who happened to be on board. I was very excited at first, thinking the colonel had said "Marx Brothers," but these were the Marshes, not the Marxes. They were sort of substitute, imitation Marx Brothers--they did the same sort of things as the Marx Brothers did in movies, only not as well. Their names were Gaucho, Harpy, Chicklet, and Gumball. I was disappointed, but I went along to watch them play pinochle with my father and the colonel. They weer funny, but not all that funny. I got bored after a while, and went off to look out the windows (p. 28).


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