Quote of the Day from Sheila Heti

I enjoyed this paragraph from Sheila Heti's novel I am halfway through, Pure Colour.

She doesn't know why she spent so much of her life thinking about such trivial things, or looking at websites, when just outside her window there was a sky that was not trivial. Had it been wrong of her not to understand that the sky was more valuable than a website? People once valued the sky, but only because they had nothing better -- because they didn't have websites. It was hard to tell which was right: either the sky was more valuable than a website, or a website was more valuable than the sky. If she gathered together the amount of time she spent looking at websites, and the the amount of time she spent looking at the sky, then her life was clearly answering which was the more valuable, for her (p. 86).

Can I also point out how great the cover of this book is. I am not the only fan of this cover. LitHub listed it as one of the 10 best book covers of last month. As Jessie Gaynor noted about this cover:

Colorful blobs are a certified cover trend, but it’s the purity of this one that appeals to me. The green blob is just off-kilter enough (see how it almost eclipses the “L”?) to keep drawing my eye back. Bow down to the queen of blobs!


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