The First Vaccine


Yesterday I went to a health clinic in Atlantic City and received the first of two vaccines. As many people wait and wonder how long they will wait for a Covid vaccine, I am sure people are curious how I got one.

Here is what I can say. Last week I went to see my primary care physician for a routine in-person physical examination. The doctor said that the AtlantiCare system had started a list for patients who would like a vaccine. She asked if I wanted to be on the list. I said yes. Then, on Monday, someone from her office said they had a spot available and scheduled me for a first dose yesterday, 27th and a second dose the first week of March. Exactly how the AtlantiCare administration determines priority for who gets a dose when, I do not know.

No one else in my immediate family has gotten a vaccine, and none of them are scheduled to do so yet.


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