Book Reviews Can Save Time


Usually, when I read a book review, I am thinking that the book in question might be a good one to add to my to be read collection. With that in mind, consider Dwight Garner's most recent review in the Times. He begins:

This is a sad book, and a bad one, and you shouldn’t buy it. The thinking in it is poor; the writing is worse. The author “exposes” evils that, if you’ve been paying even scant attention, you already know. Expect it soon in a Walmart remainder bin near you.

To summarize my argument thus far: No.

So, I guess I might not go out of my way to read this one. In case you are wondering, the book is Inside the NRA: A Tell-All Account of Corruption, Greed, and Paranoia Within the Most Powerful Political Group in America By Joshua L. Powell 307 pages. Twelve. $30.

The rest of Garner's review can be found here.


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